Kurt Sunderbruch {he/him}
I’m a long-time, enthusiastic motorcyclist, having held a motorcycle license since 1976 with hundreds of thousands miles under my wheels. I’ve ridden in about a dozen countries, and have organized and led day rides, tours, and rallies in the US and Europe for more than ten years. Additionally, I’m a certified instructor with the California Motorcyclist Safety Program (CMSP). If you’ve been active on motorcycle forums, particularly Bay Area Riders Forum, you may know me by my screen name, flying_hun, which was a nickname bestowed upon me in college.
Motorcycling has played a huge role in my life, and has been the source of much joy and some pain. It has introduced me to some of my closest and most valued friends. It is a platform from which I have seen great beauty, and experienced memorable ordeals. Motorcycling has taught me lessons that have been sometimes painful, and always useful. It has been a place where I have been able to escape distractions and encounter myself for the purpose of understanding life.
It’s this experience that I share through Transformative Journeys: the experience of using motorcycle riding to strip away all that is superfluous in order to engage with that which is most essential.
This is my passion, and it is my calling.